Wednesday, April 28, 2010


hello everyone,

i survived my first flight anywhere and am now melting in ghana! Wow this place is amazing. people everywhere, car horns honking all the time, the heat, the welcoming people that i've met so far, it's everything that I've hoped and more.

The flights were uneventful. Basically I flew from vancouver to calgary to amsterdam to accra with no sleep, watched movies and played video games for the whole time. Yes I was uncomfortable but it was no big deal. Airport to airport the scenery didn't seem to change till we got to Accra. The airport was nothing modern and was only slightly cooler than outside. Ghana has some strange customs rules that I still have no idea what they were but I got through it all.

Outside the airport was quite an experience though. As soon as we exited, people just came right over, trying to give us taxi rides, carry our luggage, sell us stuff. I know that they are just trying to make money but it kiinda freaked me out. Think of the pushiest homeless guy trying to get your change and then triple it and you might be close. How far away from home I was sunk in really quick.

Spent my first full day here in the capital, Accra, getting used to the climate and getting my bearings. We visited an art museum/gallery and spent some time relaxing at a local resort's pool. Swam for the first time in the atlantic ocean and witnessed a storm come in off the coast. Super heavy rain made our pool time extra fun and confused the resort staff. They all went running and we just kept on playing frisbee in the pool. It rained hard but it was still warm which made it an incredible experience.

I tried to upload some pics but the internet is really slow cause of the storm so I'll have to post them later.

10 hour bus ride to Suryani tomorrow, today was the one and only day that will be like a vacation. The rest will be working and learning.

So excited and sweaty, trev


  1. so gald to hear that you got there safe.. can't wait to see the pictures. be safe

  2. I love that you ended it with excited and sweaty. Take pictures of all the animals you see! So jealous.

  3. Hey trev!!! You made it, very cool!
    You made all sound so believable and such but I am guessing that you are all in big heap of a mess and are need of some Chuck Norris type of help. Well being here in Nanaimo makes me think that there is very little I can do...oh wait..I can watch "midnight express" that will give hope for you. Bill got out and I am sure you'll make it too Trev.
    If what you wrote in this blog is ture then enjoy yourself and enjoy life.

  4. Hey Travis, good luck on your wife finding trip. Remember I am ASTAR, a robot. I can put my arm back on. You can't. So play safe! Watch out for any rare VW’s for me.
